Cheri L. Florance, Ph.D., President of Brain Engineering Laboratories will be at Towne Center Books in Pleasanton on Monday, April 19, at 7:30 p.m., 555 Main Street. Dr. Florance will discuss her work about the power of The Video Brain and how highly visual thinkers have often been mislabeled, mismanaged, mismedicated, miseducated, and misunderstood.

She knows how to groom the gifts of visual thinkers and tap into their genius potential. Her work is unique and has helped hundreds of children, graduate students, and professionals. Dr. Florance has replicated the model of Brain-Engineering to help medical students who were failing to achieve National recognition as brilliant physicians, CEO’s of companies change the way they do business, as well as thousands of families find solutions.

Dr. Florance’s recently published book, Maverick Mind, presents a very revolutionary model for reengineering the brain and it has the potential to change the way we think about human intelligence as well as the education and health care of our children. There is a story within a story in this book.

The primary story is how Dr. Florance, a National Institutes of Health brain scientist, figured out how to rebuild the brain of her autistic, deaf, mute, severely retarded son who flunked out of special education in the suburban school district to be placed in the multi-handicapped program — so that by 10th grade he was getting A’s in college classes –playing state championship football after 10 years of early occupational therapy and physical therapy, and singing and dancing in the high school musicals. He is now a senior and going to high school part-time and college part-time. In the fall he will join his brother and sister at Manhattan College in Riverdale, New York.

The most revolutionary concept in Maverick Mind is the controversial premise that I.Q. can be taught. Maverick Mind describes the twice-exceptional brain that hyper functions in video or picture thinking and hypo functions in audio or language thinking. This makes I.Q. testing complex but leads toward training the hypo function which results in raising I.Q.

As a result, after Brain Engineering Training, Maverick Minds are able to use the brain’s central executive channel switcher to access either the video thinking or the audio thinking pathway efficiently and effectively. Dr. Florance will discuss Maverick Mind cases ranging in age from 3 to 80, many of whom are physicians, excellent diagnosticians themselves, to illustrate her side of the I.Q. controversy.